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87% approximately

Percentage of national area covered by forest

Forest Sector in Guyana

Guyana is a country located in South America with an area of 214,970km².

The forest cover in Guyana is very important, which has a direct impact on the economy of the country, creating many jobs in the forestry sector. The country is mainly covered by primary or naturally regenerated forests, which represents approximatively 87% of the country’s surface. Most of these lands and forests belong to the Government, while only 14% belong to the indigenous population.

The FAO estimated that the net annual change in forest area in Guyana between 2010 and 2020 was -0.06% (FAO, 2020). Most of the deforestation is attributed to mining for gold and bauxite, which represents 60% of Guyana’s export by value. Other contributors to forest loss and degradation are logging, agricultural expansion, charcoal production and urban development.

According to the ITTO (2019), Guyana produced approximately 549,000 m³ of primary timber products between 2014 and 2018, which almost entirely originated from national forests. The country’s timber exports are primarily based on the export of logs and to a smaller extent on the export of sawnwood. The main importing countries of wood and wood products from Guyana are the United States, China, and the United Kingdom (ITC, 2020).

FAO, 2020. Global Forest Resources Assessment
ITC 2020

Forest Cover (%)
100 0

Source: Hansen/UMD/Google/USGS/NASA, accessed through Global Forest Watch

Situation of the VPA in Guyana

2012 Negotiations started between Guyana and EU
2018 VPA agreed (23 Novembre 2018)
VPA signed
VPA ratified
VPA entered into force

Key priorities areas identified for the support by the EU FLEGT VPA Programme

In Guyana, the priorities identified in the framework of the operationalization of the VPA are:


Setting up and implementation of the Wood Tracking System


Support to the private sector


Assessment and monitoring of the impact of the VPA implementation