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45% approximately

Percentage of national area covered by forest

Forestry Sector in Vietnam

Vietnam is a country located in Southeast Asia, with an area of 331,690km².

The forest cover in Vietnam represents approximatively 45% of the national territory, with a majority of primary or naturally regenerated forests, but also planted forests. Three categories of forests are found: production forests, protection forests, and special use forests. In terms of ownership, 58,7% of the forest belong to the states while 41,3% is privately owned.

The FAO estimated that the net annual change in forest area in Vietnam between 2010 and 2020 was +0,90% (FAO, 2020). Indeed, Vietnam's forest cover has increased significantly as a result of the government forestry policies and initiatives.

According to the ITTO (2019), Vietnam produced 25,000,000 m³ of logs, 6,000,000 m³ of sawnwood, 1,052,000 m³ of veneer, and 1,050,000 m³ of plywood in 2017. Vietnam is one of the world’s largest exporting countries of timber and timber products.

Vietnam imports a significative volume of timber from many places such as China, US, EU, South America, Africa and South-East Asia. The imported volume in 2021 is 6.3 million m³, valued at 2,158 billion USD.

Turnover of wood and forest products in 2021 reached up to 14,8 billion USD and increasing 19.7% compared to 2020. The main destination markets for the exports of wood products are USA, China, Japan, EU and Korea (Trade Information, Ministry of Trade and Industry, 24/1/2022).

Timber Trade Portal

Forest Cover (%)
100 0

Source: Hansen/UMD/Google/USGS/NASA, accessed through Global Forest Watch

Situation of the VPA in Vietnam

  • Negotiations started between Vietnam and EU
  • VPA agreed
    (11 May)
  • VPA signed
    (19 October)
  • VPA entered into force
    (1 June)
  • Government of Vietnam issued Decree 102 on Promulgating Vietnam TLAS
    (1 September)

Key priorities areas identified for the support by the EU FLEGT VPA Programme

In Vietnam, the priorities identified in the framework of the operationalization of the VPA are:


Development and implementation of the VNTLAS


Support to the private sector