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56% approximately

Percentage of national area covered by forest

Forestry Sector in Honduras

Honduras is a country located in Central America, with an area of 112,492 km².

The forest cover in Honduras represents approximatively 56% of the national territory and is mainly composed of naturally or regenerated forests. In Honduras, about 62% of the national forests is publicly owned, while 38% are privately owned.

The FAO estimated that the net annual change in forest area in Honduras between 2010 and 2020 was -0.33% (FAO, 2020). Most of this decline is due to an infestation of insect pests (linked to climate change), fires, deforestation and illegal logging.

According to the ITTO (2019), Honduras produced 770,000 m³ of logs, 306,000 m³ of sawnwood, 1,000 m³ of veneer, and 49,000 m³ of plywood in 2017. Most of the Honduran wood production serves the domestic market. In 2017, the exports of round logs were limited to around 9,000 m³ while the exports of sawnwood was the most important primary timber export product (ITC, 2020). Honduran exports are mainly sold to the USA and to other countries from Central America (El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala…).

Timber Trade Portal

Forest Cover (%)
100 0

Source: Hansen/UMD/Google/USGS/NASA, accessed through Global Forest Watch

Situation of the VPA in Honduras

  • Negotiations started between Honduras and EU
  • VPA agreed
    (14 June)
  • VPA signed
    (23 February)
  • VPA ratified
  • VPA entered into force

Key priorities areas identified for the support by the EU FLEGT VPA Programme

In Honduras, the priorities identified in the framework of the operationalization of the VPA are:


Support for the development and the implementation of the TLAS


Improvement of forest governance


Support to the CSOs and the private sector