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68% approximately

Percentage of national area covered by forest

Forest Sector in Liberia

Liberia is a country located in West Africa, with an area of 111,369 km².

The forest cover in Liberia represents about 68% of the country territory, and more than half of the West Africa’s remaining rainforest as well. Most of the forests found in Liberia are primary or naturally regenerated forests. Forest ownership can be divided in three categories: state forest, community forest, and private forest.

The FAO estimated that the net annual change in forest area in Liberia between 2010 and 2020 was -0.39% (FAO, 2020). Most of the deforestation is attributed to conversion to agriculture, mining, and uncontrolled logging.

According to the ITTO (2019), Liberia produced 501,000 m³ of logs and 133,000 m³ of sawnwood in 2017 but the wood is largely unregistered in the country. Due to the civil war (1989-2003) the forest industry and the rural infrastructures were destroyed. Therefore, most of the wood is used for the domestic market. Only logs are exported to China for the large majority (ITC, 2020).

Timber Trade Portal

Forest Cover (%)
100 0

Source: Hansen/UMD/Google/USGS/NASA, accessed through Global Forest Watch

Situation of the VPA in Liberia

  • Negotiations started between Liberia and EU
  • VPA agreed
    (9 May)
  • VPA signed
    (11 July)
  • VPA ratified
    (1 December)
  • VPA entered into force
    (1 December)

Key priorities areas identified for the support by the EU FLEGT VPA Programme

In Liberia, in the framework of the operationalization of the VPA, the priorities identified are:


Relaunching and support to the Independent Auditor


Support to the JIC and VPA Secretariat


Reinforcing law enforcement